

The Latest News From Abersoch
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As of 08/02/2025 - We have moved to a new platform so you can now enjoy the latest info over at...




Abersoch.co.uk will stay online as a legacy site - but all new information will now updated over on abersoch.com...







2025, 2024 & 2023 News


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Dec 31 2024

Abersoch RNLI New Year's Day Dip Postponed to 2nd Jan 2025
"Following the advice of the Police, it is requested that our New Years Day dip is postponed for 24 hours and takes place at 12 noon on the 2nd January. This is due to a number of high risk factors that include the current 24 hour weather warning from the Police that advises everyone not to travel or put themselves at risk by venturing outside, and that the Welsh Ambulance Service is at a Critical Incident level so it is advised that all major events are cancelled.
The RNLI team have offered their full support with any rearrangements that are required to mitigate any highlighted risks, such as arranging a private ambulance to be in attendance so as not to put any pressure on the Welsh Ambulance service.
The Abersoch RNLI team would like to apologise for the short notice, however we have only just been advised of this change by the police and RNLI Head Office. Emails have been sent to all participants.
We hope you can still join us on the 2nd January and look forward to seeing you on the beach at 12 noon. "




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November 12 2024

Judge Refuses Request For Article 4 Judicial Review

From the BBC today..."Campaigners lobbying against new rules requiring people to get planning permission for second homes are facing a setback in their legal bid.

Cyngor Gwynedd was the first local authority to introduce the regulation, known as an Article 4 Direction, to tackle what it has described as a "huge housing crisis".

This week, a judge refused a campaign group’s request to bring forward a judicial review of the decision.

The council, the judge concluded, had made the decision following a "robust and thorough exercise", invalidating the group's grounds for challenge."

For the full story - visit www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx2np8g7eyqo



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October 15 2024

Abersoch RNLI New Year's Day Dip 2025
Have you ever thought “I really want to do that one New Year”
Well why not make 2025 the year and bring the whole family with you!
Participants will need to pre-register online with a minimum registration fee of £10 per adult and £5 per child. You will be sent a numbered wrist band, which must be shown before entering the dipping area. Post dip, wrist bands can be exchanged for a medal. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN, please click the link below.
This years 2025 dip is at 12pm. Registered participants will need to check-in on the Main Beach from 11.30am onwards ready for the countdown for the Midday dash into the sea under the guidance of our Abersoch RNLI volunteer crew and local Coastguard teams.
The theme for this year is “Nautical Madness” and we are looking forward to seeing the usual array of imaginative costumes.
The Dip is open to all age groups, but young children must be supervised by a responsible adult. There will be a separate area for smaller children and their families to enter the sea.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all participating or spectating on Abersoch Beach on 1st January 2025
Click link below to REGISTER:
< Click on the image for a larger version.


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October 09 2024

Abersoch Christmas Festival Weekend - First Poster
The first poster for this year's Abersoch Christmas Weekend has been released so make a date in your diaries for the 29th November and the weekend of the 30th November / 1st December.
< Click on the image for a larger version.


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Septermber 08 2024

Menter Rabar & Ysgol Abersoch School
Menter Rabar is a local, not for profit, community group, set up to bring about a positive outcome for the village in response to the closure of Ysgol Abersoch. The group has now developed detailed proposals to preserve and renovate the building, while creating a vital community facility for all.
Following extensive community engagement work, Menter Rabar decided that the best option to meet the needs of the whole community would be to renovate and convert the old school into a multipurpose community space, a community garden, a café, heritage exhibition, and small enterprise units.

Menter Rabar is now busy making grant applications to raise funds for the renovation, with an ambitious target of around £500,000.

They have already successfully raised funds to commission architectural plans, marketing support, and our business plan.
How can you help?
To help support our fundraising, they have set a goal to raise £50,000 from a crowdfunding campaign.

Anyone can contribute whatever they can afford.

Your generosity will help ensure that the much-loved Ysgol Abersoch building is once again at the heart of the community.

They also need your input on the kinds of activities and events that should take place in the renovated building.

They want Ysgol Abersoch to be creative, open, and inclusive – bringing everyone together to ensure that Abersoch is a strong, resilient, and thriving Welsh community.

More info and links for social media can be found at their website at:



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August 09 2024

Abersoch Regatta 2024 - It's Finally Here!
It’s finally here ‘Welcome to all . Croeso I bawb ‘….we’re all set up and raring to go ‘...
- Sailing & Socials – open to everyone at @scycaSCYC - South Caernarvonshire Yacht Club Abersoch from noon
- Guaranteed sunshine & the best views of the bay
- Sun terrace with music,BBQ , and bars open all day
- Sailing races start from 10:30am https://abersochregatta.co.uk/en/events/
- Entertainment 1pm - 5pm
DJ Lionel @lionelnova_music
Guest appearance by North Wales premier Welsh chorister (sea shanties etc)
- Prize giving & raffle draw 5pm 🏆
- Entertainment 6.30pm
Cara Hammond - Cara performed Glastonbury 2024; BBC Radio 6 ‘ A-List Playlist’
More info at the new website at: abersochregatta.co.uk


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August 09 2024
Latest Abersoch Lifeboat Shouts

Shout: 1st August: Abersoch RNLI tasked to assist powerboat with mechanical failure. HM Coastguard paged the volunteer crew at 2.55pm on Thursday 1st August after receiving a call from the casualty vessel that was on a passage from Pwllheli to Nefyn. The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 3.07pm. The two casualties were unsure of their location and advised they were possibly near Ynys Enlli. The casualty vessel, a 21ft powerboat, was located at 3.28pm six miles south of Trwyn Wylfa. As the casualties were unfamiliar with the area and due to the possible navigational risk to other vessels, the volunteer crew established a safe tow and towed the vessel to Abersoch moorings. The lifeboat arrived at the moorings at 4.20pm. The casualties were taken to South Caernarvonshire Yacht Club where they then made arrangements for a friend to tow the vessel back to Pwllheli Marina. Abersoch Lifeboat volunteer helm, Andy Gunby, said ‘It was good to see that the casualties were equipped with lifejackets and a VHF radio. They did the right thing in requesting assistance as there were no other vessels in the vicinity at the time’. He added, ‘Before heading out on any passage you should ensure that you plan your voyage, have a well-maintained engine and adequate fuel for your journey’.

Shout: 4th August: Abersoch RNLI volunteer crew assist two teenagers in difficulty. The crew were paged by HM Coastguard at 8.04pm on Sunday 4th August 2024 following a call from a concerned member of the public who had spotted the pair struggling to make way in a dinghy. The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched within ten minutes. The two teenagers, who were in a Laser Topaz sailing dinghy, were located approximately a quarter of a mile off the Lifeboat Station. They were struggling to make way due to the deteriorating weather conditions. The volunteer crew took both casualties, who were equipped with buoyancy aids and wearing wetsuits, onto the lifeboat and a crew member was placed on the sailing dinghy. The casualties were starting to get cold and the light was fading. A safe tow was established, and the dinghy was towed back to the beach where the two teenagers were then handed over to the care of the waiting Abersoch Coastguard team. Volunteer helm, Elissa Williams, said ‘Always let someone know where you are going and how long you expect to be out on the water.’ She added, ‘Having the means to call for help is crucial, such as a mobile phone in a waterproof pouch or a VHF radio. If you are not sure you can safely return to where you launched, head to the nearest point of safety if you can and call for help form there. Never delay in calling 999 if you are in trouble especially if the weather conditions are changing and it is starting to get dark.’ The lifeboat returned to the station at 8.48pm where it was washed down, refuelled and left ready for service by the volunteer shore crew.



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June 21 2024

Abersoch Regatta 2024 Events Schedule Released.
The timetable for the village 2024 Abersoch Regatta events has been released and is available by clicking on the images opposite. The Abersoch Regatta is an annual series of events run by "the Abersoch village community" each August for local people and of course for all the visitors to the area and is one of the only community run regatta type events in the UK. The events are designed to be fun for families and people of all ages and include the famous raft race, a golf competition, sand castle building, surf and paddleboarding comps and the famous sailing regatta day at SCYC, where the first Abersoch regatta was held back in 1881! Each year, the various events in the village raise money for local good causes.
More info at the new website at: abersochregatta.co.uk



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June 11 2024
Abersoch RNLI Rescue Lone Kayaker Whilst Out On Exercise.

The volunteer crew at Abersoch RNLI were out on a routine training exercise on Thursday evening, 6 June 2024, when they spotted a lone kayaker heading towards St Tudwal’s Island East. The casualty, an adult male, had been attempting to paddle to the island in a moderate sea state and an off-shore westerly wind. When the volunteer crew arrived at the scene the kayak had taken on water and the casualty was becoming cold. The casualty was taken on board the Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat together with the kayak and after checking his condition he was returned to the shore at 8.10pm where he was left in the care of the waiting local Coastguard team who had been alerted to the incident. Abersoch RNLI volunteer helm, Phill Woods, said ‘He was very lucky that we happened to come across him whilst out on exercise’. He added, ‘Although the casualty was wearing a lifejacket, he was somewhat underprepared for the conditions which were not favourable for kayaking’. The volunteer crew returned to the lifeboat station at 8.25pm where the lifeboat was then washed down and refuelled by the waiting shore crew and left ready for service. If you get into difficulty or spot someone else in trouble dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.


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May 17 2024
Pick Your Own Strawberries On Pen Llyn

This summer, Fferm Ty Cynan Farm at Rhydyclafdy will be opening the only pick your own strawberry fields on the Llyn Peninsula.

Keep an eye on their website and social media for opening times.
They will also have an on site grain silo converted into a ‘café’ serving cakes and and coffee etc.



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May 16 2024

Scrutiny Committee Approves Article 4

The council scrutiny committee today appeared to approve Article 4, with a final vote to be held by the council on June 10th.

The implications of this are being discussed on the various Facebook groups, including:
- "Trigolion Gwynedd yn Erbyn Erthygl 4 - People of Gwynedd Against Article 4" (Private Group) and

- "Trigolion Gwynedd yn Dweud Stopiwch Erthygl4, Gwynedd Residents Say Stop A4" (Public group).


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April 19 2024
She Ultra This Weekend

The first addition of a new running event takes place in Abersoch on Saturday 20th April. The She Ultra is a 31mile foot race which starts on the Maes in Pwllheli and finishes in Abersoch on the main beach. The event is in aid of women's cancer charities and the BBC recently rain an item on it which can be found at:


The route, which takes in Porth Neigwl and Cilan, can be found at: www.plotaroute.com/route/2404891

Over 550 women with a wide wide range of ages and abilities are expected to take part in the event, with some very experienced ultra marathon runners racing and others walking the distance and for many, it will be their first time taking on an ultra marathon distance. The race starts at 7am in Pwllheli.

For more info on the event... visit https://penllynultra.co.uk


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February 23 2024
Site Upates To Resume After Illness

You may have noticed the lack of website updates and daily forecasts since January 2024. Unfortunately, I was admitted to hospital due to a serious spinal infection and spent 3 weeks there. I am now on the slow road to recovery and am hoping to recommence the website, news and weather updates now that I am back in Abersoch, with an aim for them to re-start on Sunday 25th February. I would like to thank all those who have been in touch regarding my progress and also those who have enquired via social media.


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January 04 2024
Photos From The New Year's Day Dip

The annual Abersoch RNLI New Year's Day dip saw another huge turnout.

Photos are available to view on the Abersoch RNLI Facebook page at:



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December 31 2023
San Silvestre 2023

The annual charity San Silvestre fun run took place this morning on the main beach, with the weather breezy but mostly dry for the 6k course.

Winners this year were:


Tommy Lee - 25'15" - A fantastic time for a 10 year old!!!


1st: Hannah Lee: 27'34"

2nd: Abbie Martin: 28'52"

3rd: Kate Berry: 30'43"


1st: Rhys Jones: 19'58"

2nd: James Wilkinson: 20'06"

3rd: Elis Jones: 23'20"

Well done to all who took part - with entry and raffle going to Save The Children.


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December 27 2023
San Silvestre 6K Run - New Year's Eve

The San Silvestre run is back again this year - starting and finishing on the main beach.

Start time is 12pm.

All welcome included four-ledded friends.

The race is followed by the big Basque raffle in the yacht club.

Keep an eye on the event Facebook page for further details:



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December 24 2023
Abersoch RNLI New Year’s Day Dip 2024 - UPDATE
From Abersoch RNLI Facebook...

"We’ve had some incredible dip outfits over the years, but have you got yours ready for this year’s ‘Movie Star’ theme for 1/1/24
Location: Abersoch Beach
Date: 1/1/24
Time: 1pm (check-in from 12.30pm)
This years theme is ‘Movie Stars”
- All ages can enter with a supervised adult for children
- Pre- register online with a minimum registration fee of £10 per adult and £5 per child.
Abersoch Golf Club car park will be charging on the day and then kindly donating proceeds to Abersoch RNLI. Polite reminder to still pay in the usual way at the pay station.
- Medals with be given to all, when swopped with wrist bands after exiting the sea.
- Click the link below to register online, wristbands will now need to be collected from the Vaynol on either the 28th or the 31st between 12-2pm



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December 05 2023
Abersoch Lifeboat Assists 9m Motorboat In Difficulty

The volunteer crew were paged by HM Coastguard at 17.56pm on Saturday 2 nd December following a call for assistance from a 9m motorboat experiencing electrical failure. The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 18.14pm and arrived at the scene, two miles south of St Tudwal’s Islands, at 18.23pm. The casualty vessel, with two adults on board, had lost all its lighting and required assistance to get to Pwllheli marina. One of the casualties was suffering from seasickness. The inshore lifeboat escorted the motorboat with the two casualties on board to the safety of Pwllheli marina where it was placed on a pontoon and handed over to the care of the local Coastguard team. The lifeboat left the marina at 19.45pm and returned to the station at 20.21pm where it was washed down, refuelled, and left ready for service by the volunteer shore crew. Abersoch RNLI volunteer helm, Andy Gunby, said, ‘The casualty vessel was well equipped with safety equipment including flares, lifejackets and a VHF radio, all of which are essential when heading out on the water.’ For more useful ideas please visit: Inside the grab bag (rnli.org).


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November 30 2023
Christmas Festival Weekend In Abersoch

Click on the images for the latest timetable for this weekend's Christmas Festival...


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November 25 2023
An Alternative Christmas Tree This Year In The Harbour

Well done to Tim at Abersoch Boatyard Sercices and Soch Sails who have done a great job decorating a tractor and boat with lights in the inner harbour. A decision was made to not use a large Christmas tree this year and Tim and his team have created a very impressive alternative, providing a warm festive welcome to all who drive into the village.


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November 25 2023
£35,000 Raised For Local RNLI Stations

The brand new 20ft Saxdor 200 motorboat, which was donated by local business IdealBoat, reached a fantastic £35,500 at auction.
Mrs Joanne Martin, who holidays in the area, came in with the winning bid and is excited to get out on the boat with her family next year.
This incredible generosity by IdealBoat will considerably help in the running of both the Abersoch and Pwllheli RNLI Lifeboat Stations.

Well done to the team at Idealboat.com


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November 13 2023
Llewelyn Retains Para Surf World Title

Great news from across the pond where Abersoch local Llywelyn "Sponge" Williams has retained his ISA World Para Surfing title at Huntingdon Beach, USA.

Llywelyn won all his heats on the way to the final.

You can follow his progress on the world tour at:



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October 26 2023
Chester Rugby Coach Beats Storm To Run 114 Miles & Raise £16,000

Even Storm Babet could not stop Chester RUFC assistant coach Guy Ford running from the city’s club to the tip of the Llyn Peninsula in North Wales to raise £16,000 for charity.

Supported by family and friends, Guy ran more than 114 gruelling miles – more than four complete marathons – in 32.5 hours, from the city’s rugby club in Littleton, along the north Wales coast as far as Abersoch, despite Storm Babet’s best efforts to thwart him.

Guy was running to raise money for The Christie Charity’s cancer support and My Name’5 Doddie Foundation, set up by the late Scotland international Doddie Weir to help people affected by Motor Neuron Disease.

He has smashed his initial £5,000 target with £13,000 already raised through Just Giving and more to come in via generous donations along his route.

At one stage Guy was forced to detour 10 miles to avoid floods near Colwyn Bay. Thankfully, he had plenty of support along the way, with friends and supporters taking turns to run with him and encourage him on.

He said: “It was tough. We hit floods between Rhyl and Colwyn Bay and had to detour through holiday parks so we could keep going.

“Yet even in the middle of the night, we were running through Bangor when some guy leaned out of his window to cheer us on. I couldn’t have done it without the support family, friends and the public.”

Guy left the rugby club at 10am on Friday and made it to Abersoch at 7pm the following day, a few hours later than he had hoped. He suffered blisters but “felt fine from the shins up” afterwards.

Guy’s fundraising is still open at this Just Giving page.


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26 October 2023
ITV News Item On Article 4

The mainstream media is beginning to take an interest in the Article 4 issue...

Click here to read an item on the ITV news website.



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October 24 2023
Abersoch Christmas Festival 2023
The programme for this year's Abersoch Christmas is now available - click on the image for a larger version.


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October 20 2023
Abersoch RNLI New Year’s Day Dip 2024
From Abersoch RNLI Facebook... "Have you ever thought “I really want to do that one New Year”
Well why not make 2024 the year!!
This years 2024 dip is at the slightly later time of 1.00pm. Registered participants will need to check-in on the Main Beach from 12.30pm onwards ready for the countdown for the 1.00pm dash into the sea under the guidance of our Abersoch RNLI volunteer crew and local Coastguard teams.
The theme for this year is “Movie Stars” and we are looking forward to seeing the usual array of imaginative costumes.
The Dip is open to all age groups, but young children must be supervised by a responsible adult. There will be a separate area for smaller children and their families to enter the sea.
Participants will need to pre-register online with a minimum registration fee of £10 per adult and £5 per child. You will be sent a numbered wrist band, which must be shown before entering the dipping area. Post dip, wrist bands can be exchanged for a medal. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN, please click the link in our below:
We’re looking forward to seeing you on Abersoch Beach on 1st January 2024."


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October 17 2023
Plans For Ysgol Abersoch School Building - Drop In Session

The Ysgol Abersoch School building has been empty since 2021 and needs restoration and repair works. Menter Rabar, a volunteer group, has been looking into developing the building for community use and possible options. This session will include a display of the draft plan and an opportunity to ask questions and share your views.

Wednesday 25/10/2023, 5.30 to 7.30pm at the Neuadd Abersoch Village Hall.

All welcome.



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October 17 2023
Update - Abersoch Fire Station To Remain Open

The latest news suggests that after the emergency cover review, the fire station in Abersoch is to remain open.


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October 09 2023
Latest Abersoch Lifeboat Shouts

3rd October: Abersoch RNLI tasked to assist with Coastguard rescue. The volunteer crew were paged at 8.46pm on Tuesday 3rd October to provide water safety support for the rescue of a teenager who had fallen on Llanbedrog headland. The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 8.57pm and arrived at the scene at 9.01pm. The Coastguard 936 rescue helicopter and the local Coastguard team were at the scene where the 15 year old casualty had fallen onto a ledge on the headland. Due to the rising tide the lifeboat crew were on standby in the event that the casualty could not be winched to safety or the remaining Coastguard team were unable to leave the scene via the cliff base. The casualty, who had a suspected broken leg, was extracted off the cliff ledge by the helicopter who then transferred him to Ysbyty Gwynedd in Bangor. Once all the remaining rescue team were safely back on the beach the lifeboat returned to the station where it was washed down, refuelled and left ready for service at 11.12pm.

1st October: Abersoch RNLI assist yacht with engine and electrical failure. HM Coastguard paged the volunteer crew at 12.14pm on Sunday 1st October following a call for assistance from a 25ft sailing yacht experiencing engine and electrical failure. The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 12.26pm and headed towards Llanbedrog headland. The casualty vessel, with one adult male on board, was located and one of the lifeboat crew was transferred to the vessel to asses the situation. Due to the electrical failure the casualty had used his mobile phone to contact HM Coastguard. With no engine or electrics, including VHF and GPS, the crew made the decision to tow the vessel to a safe location. After establishing a safe tow the casualty vessel was taken to a berth at Pwllheli marina. A second call came in and the crew were retasked to assist a 20ft powerboat that had suffered engine failure with two casualties on board at Pwllheli harbour entrance. A safe tow was established and the vessel was towed to the marina slipway. The lifeboat returned to the station at 3.17pm where it was washed down, refuelled and left ready for service. Abersoch RNLI volunteer helm, Andy Gunby, said ‘Always ensure that you have a means of calling for help, ideally a VHF radio as mobile phone signal can not always be achieved, this is especially important during the quieter months of the year when there are less people on the water to provide assistance.’ He added, ‘Lifejackets are essential’.


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October 02 2023
Lifeboat Assists Person Cut-Off By The Tide

The volunteer crew were paged by HM Coastguard at 12.34pm on Friday 22nd September 2023 following reports of someone stranded on the rocks at Llanbedrog headland. The ‘Peter and Ann Setten’ Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 12.45pm and arrived at the scene within four minutes. The casualty, a 66 year-old female, had been cut-off by the tide and found herself stranded on the rocks. Two of the volunteer crew went ashore and after checking she was well they then carried her onto the lifeboat. The lifeboat took the casualty back to the beach to be reunited with her family and handed her over to the care of the waiting Abersoch Coastguard team. The lifeboat returned to the station at 1.17pm where it was washed down, refuelled and left ready for service. Abersoch RNLI volunteer helm, Fritz Williams, said, ‘Always check the tide times and heights when heading out and keep a look out for incoming tides’. He added, ‘Headlands and rocky outcrops can create isolated bays which can get cut-off by an incoming tide’.


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September 30 2023
Abersoch Lifeboat Rescue Off Carreg Y Trai.

The volunteer crew were paged by HM Coastguard at 2.19pm on Thursday 14th September 2023 and the Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 2.30pm. On arrival at the scene at 2.40pm the passengers on board the boat were taken onto the lifeboat and the casualty vessel was then towed to a safe mooring at Abersoch. The passengers were put ashore at Abersoch whilst the skipper remained on board the casualty vessel and waited for a tow back to Pwllheli Marina. The passengers were collected from Abersoch by mini bus. The lifeboat returned to the station at 3.55pm where it was washed down, refuelled and left ready for service.


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September 11 2023
Latest Abersoch Lifeboat Shouts

7th September...

Abersoch RNLI tasked to search for missing boat... The volunteer crew were paged by HM Coastguard at 9.31pm on Thursday 7 September following reports of a missing powerboat at St Tudwal’s islands. The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 9.42pm and arrived at the islands at 9.52pm. The first informants were on a yacht at anchor off Llanbedrog headland. They had reported hearing a powerboat out at sea and seeing navigation lights. The night was clear and calm. The boat appeared to have been making its way across the south side of the islands towards Carreg y Trai when the engine noise suddenly stopped and the navigation lights could no longer be seen. The first informants feared that the boat had hit the island or the Carreg y Trai rocks. They then made the call to the Coastguard. The lifeboat made a thorough search of the area around both islands and the rocks and a para flare was deployed. They went to the first informants yacht and spoke to the people on board before returning to the area to carry out a further search. Nothing was found. The lifeboat returned to the station at 11.34pm where it was washed down, refuelled and left ready for service. Phill Wood, Abersoch RNLI volunteer helm, said ‘The call to the Coastguard was made with good intent and absolutely the right thing to do’. He added, ‘If you get into difficulty, or think someone else could be in trouble, dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard’.
8th September... Abersoch RNLI receive a report of a person entering the water... HM Coastguard paged the volunteer crew at 8.24pm on Friday 8 September 2023 following a report that someone had entered the water at Hafan y Mor carrying a backpack. The ‘Peter & Ann Setten’ Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 8.36pm and arrived at the scene of the reported incident at 8.55pm. Visibility was fair and the sea state was calm. Criccieth lifeboat was also on scene. It was confirmed that the person was in fact spear fishing and in no danger. The lifeboat was stood down and returned to the station at 9.45pm. The lifeboat was washed down, refuelled and left ready for service by the volunteer crew. Abersoch RNLI Lifeboat Operations Manager, Wyn Jones, said, ‘The call was made with good intent as it was not known whether the person was in danger or not’. He added, ‘If you feel someone could be in trouble on or near the water, dial 999 and speak to the Coastguard’.


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September 2023
Petition Against Article 4

Apart from responding to the council questionnaire, for those who oppose these plans, there is an online petition at:

Petition · Stop Gwynedd Councils Article 4 Direction · Change.org

There is also a private Facebook group discussing the very many flaws in the proposals at:



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August 2023 - PINNED ITEM

Daily Post Article Highlighting Local Concerns Over Article 4

An interesting article giving the viewpoint from a selection of people from the Abersoch area on the potential implications of Article 4.

Click on the following link...




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August 2023 - PINNED ITEM

Concerns Over "Article 4" Implementation

Abersoch estate agent Martin Lewthwaite has written an open letter to local residents regarding the potential implications of "Article 4".

"Dear Resident
I hope you don't mind me writing to you but I felt it important to highlight the changes to planning policies that Cyngor Gwynedd Council are trying to implement in 2024.
In my honest opinion having being an Estate Agent on Pen Llyn for the past 50 years, I am deeply concerned for residents that own and live permanently in their property in Gwynedd, particularly in areas of Gwynedd that do have people that are interested in buying property as an additional home. All locals may need to move at some stage in their lives ,whether it's for upsizing/ downsizing, needing to move for business reasons or sadly due to poor health.
If Gwynedd Council implement this drastic policy it will certainly limit the marketability of your property and will have a detrimental affect to its value as it will limit the market you can sell to. Although the Council are saying that a person/ persons can apply for change of use to occupy a property as a second home that has previously been occupied as a permanent home, it seems very unlikely that permission would be granted as they are now fervently opposed to Second homes in Gwynedd. To some extent I can understand their reasons behind this, but they don't seem to realise that these proposals will affect genuine local people that may wish to sell a property for whatever reason.
A property is probably the most valuable asset you own and these proposals are going to take away the rights you have to sell to whoever wishes to buy.
Please take this matter seriously, if you are a local property owner this could have serious implications to your future and I implore you to write to Cyngor Gwynedd to object to these changes, it seems we only have until 13th September to voice our concerns.
Thank you."


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August 03 2023 - PINNED ITEM

Major Changes To Local Planning Permissions For Change Of Use To Second Homes & Holiday Lets - "ARTICLE 4"

Letters are currently being received by homeowners regarding "Article 4" - which are potential changes to local planning permissions in relation to changing the use of your house to a holiday let or second home


As part of measures to seek to manage the impact of second homes and short-term holiday lets on communities, the Welsh Government has introduced changes to planning legislation.

The amendments to planning legislation means that a Local Planning Authority (Cyngor Gwynedd and Eryri National Park in Gwynedd) can introduce what is known as an Article 4 Direction to manage the use of housing as second homes and holiday lets.

After undertaking the necessary steps, the Article 4 Direction enables Local Planning Authorities to require property owners to obtain planning permission before changing the use of their properties into second homes or short-term holiday lets.

Cyngor Gwynedd has served an Article 4 Direction ‘Notice’ for the Gwynedd Local Planning Authority area (namely the area of Gwynedd located outside Eryri National Park).

The purpose of the Article 4 Direction is to revoke the right to change of use without planning consent, for the following use:

- Change of use of a main residence (use class C3) into a second home (use class C5) or short-term holiday let (use class C6) and specific mixed uses;
- Change of use of a second home (use class C5) to a short-term holiday let (use class C6) and specific mixed uses;
- Change of use from a short-term holiday let (use class C6) to a second home (use class C5) and specific mixed uses.

HAVE YOUR SAY - to air your views on Article 4 - visit the Cyngor Gwynedd Council website by clicking here. There you will find on online questionnaire and also detail on where to find paper copies.


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August 27 2023
Abersoch Coastguard Assist In Dog Cliff Rescue

From BBC Wales... "A dog who was missing for 12 days has been rescued after getting stranded on a cliff.

Peppa was rescued from a "tricky cliff position" following reported sightings from a fisherman and two coast path walkers on Wednesday.

Rescue teams attended the clifftop between Ogof Pen-coch and Porth Orion, on the Llyn Peninsula in Gwynedd.

An extensive search was carried out and Peppa was lowered to safety.

Abersoch Coastguard, Coastguard Rescue helicopter 936, Porthdinllaen Lifeboat, Aberdaron Coastguard Rescue Team and Criccieth Coastguard Rescue Team all worked together to bring Peppa to safety."




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August 27 2023
Latest Abersoch Lifeboat Shouts

22nd August...

Our Abersoch RNLI volunteer crew were paged at 5.30pm following reports of two swimmers in difficulty at Porth Neigwl.
Our Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat ‘Peter & Ann Setten’ was launched at 5.37pm and arrived at the scene within ten minutes. The Coastguard helicopter was also in attendance.
The lifeboat crew carried out a search of the area along with the Coastguard helicopter. It was then confirmed that the two casualties were reported to be safely ashore and in the care of the waiting paramedics.
Following confirmation that no other people were in the water the lifeboat returned to the lifeboat station at 6.30pm where it was then washed down, refuelled and left ready for service.
23rd August... HM Coastguard request assistance from Abersoch RNLI. The volunteer crew were paged at 3.07pm and the lifeboat was launched at 3.15pm on Wednesday 23 August 2023 to assist in towing a vessel ashore. The casualty vessel, a 7.3m rib with two adults and seven children on board, was being towed by another vessel that was experiencing difficulties with the tow and made the call for assistance. On arrival at the scene the crew assessed the situation and the seven children, who were all wearing lifejackets, along with a member of the lifeboat crew, returned to Pwllheli Marina on the vessel that had been assisting with the tow. The lifeboat crew, after establishing a safe tow, towed the casualty vessel and the two adult casualties to the marina. After carrying out casualty care on the child casualties they were then handed over to the care of the waiting Coastguard team.

24th August... Abersoch RNLI volunteer crew paged to missing paddleboarders. HM Coastguard requested assistance at 2.32pm Thursday 24 August following reports of two people out paddleboarding who had not returned at the expected time. The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 2.44pm and headed towards the moorings located at the Warren side of the bay. The two paddleboarders were spotted by the Beach Patrol jetski. The casualties were escorted ashore by the Beach Patrol and they were then handed over to the care of the Abersoch Coastguard team. The lifeboat returned to the station at 3.06pm where it was then washed down, refuelled and left ready for service. A spokesperson for Abersoch RNLI said, ‘It is important to always let someone know where you are going, what time you expect to return and that you have a means of calling for help whenever you head out onto the water’. They added, ‘If you are concerned that someone is overdue call 999 and ask for the Coastguard’.


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August 22 2023
Have Your Say On Local Emergency Fire Services Cover

A review into local fire services is taking place. One of the options appears to be the closure of Abersoch fire station!

You can air you views on this at a public meeting in the village hall 30th August 19.00 (7.00 pm).

Info on the review can be found at:




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August 22 2023
Abersoch RNLI Tasked To 10 People Stranded On A Shingle Bank
Abersoch RNLI volunteer crew were paged by HM Coastguard at 5.04pm on Thursday 17th August 2023 following reports of adults and children stranded on a shingle bank at Carreg y Defaid after a rib had ran aground. The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 5.17pm and arrived at the scene at 5.28pm. On arrival at the scene the crew found the casualties, six adults and four children, to be waiting for the tide to turn so that they could refloat the boat. The crew were able to refloat the boat and the casualties were able to safely get on board. The lifeboat then escorted them back to Pwllheli Marina before returning to the station where the lifeboat was washed down, refuelled and left ready for service at 6.24pm. Wyn Jones, Abersoch RNLI Lifeboat Operations Manager, said ‘We were pleased to see that the casualties were well equipped with lifejackets and a means of calling for help’. He added, ‘If you get


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August 18 2023
Abersoch RNLI Tasked To Casualty With Suspected Head Injury
The crew were paged at 11.47am Wednesday 16 August 2023 by HM Coastguard following reports of a wakeboarder who had suffered a head injury off The Warren Beach. The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 11.56am and arrived at the scene within three minutes. The casualty had been wakeboarding and had suffered a hard crash into the water whilst jumping the wake. He was taken into the back of the boat by the other person on board and they then made the call to the Coastguard as the casualty was showing signs of confusion and had possibly taken on some sea water. On arrival at the scene two of the lifeboat crew boarded the boat and carried out an assessment. He was treated with oxygen and and it was decided to get him ashore as quickly as possible to the waiting Coastguard team and Fast Response paramedics. The Coastguard helicopter was also on scene. The casualty was transferred to the lifeboat and the crew made their way back to the station where the paramedics were waiting. Following a further assessment by the paramedics the Coastguard helicopter was stood down and the casualty was transferred to hospital by ambulance. The lifeboat was then relaunched following reports of an overdue jek ski who’s last known position was Trwyn yr Wylfa (Wylfa Head). The crew made their way to the area and the jet ski was located making it’s way back to the beach. The lifeboat returned to the station at 1.01pm where it was then washed down, refuelled and left ready for service. If you get in to difficulty, or spot someone else in trouble, dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.


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August 17 2023
Abersoch RNLI Tasked As Car Goes Over Cliff Edge
Following concerns that there may be casualties in or under the vehicle which
had gone over a cliff edge in Aberdaron, HM Coastguard requested assistance
from Abersoch RNLI at 6.13pm on Monday 14 August 2023.
The volunteer crew launched the inshore lifeboat at 6.24pm and headed for the scene of the incident.
This was a multi-agency response involving Aberdaron Coastguard, Police, Ambulance Service and Abersoch RNLI. Whilst on route to Aberdaron the Coastguard were able to get safely to the vehicle and confirmed there were no casualties trapped in or around the vehicle. The lifeboat was stood down and made it’s way back to the station Andy Gunby, Abersoch RNLI volunteer helm, said ‘Thankfully nobody was injured during this incident’. He added, ‘This highlights the importance of knowing how to contact the emergency services when at the coast even when the incident is out of the ordinary. Call 999 and ask for the Coastguard’.


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July 30 2023
3 Shouts In 15 Hours For Abersoch RNLI!

SHOUT 1 Thursday 27th July, 11.20pm:
HM Coastguard requested assistance to a possible head injury on Ynys Enlli (Bardsey Island) The lifeboat was launched with a full crew at 11.32pm in challenging conditions with poor visibility due to dark skies and mist with a moderate-to-rough sea state.
The lifeboat reached Ynys Enlli at 12.10am and 2 crew were put ashore at the landing point and met by the Warden who transported them by quad bike to the casualty. The crew assessed and treated the casualty. Following a triage call with Ambulance Control the decision was made that the casualty should remain on the island rather than attempt the tricky transit to the mainland. The crew were then transported back to the waiting lifeboat and they returned to the station at 3.28am.
SHOUT 2 Friday 28th July, 3.32am:
The lifeboat was then relaunched within 13minutes following a Mayday call from a yacht in difficulty off Ynys Enlli (Bardsey Island).
The 33ft yacht had drifted on it’s anchor onto the rocks, hard aground and was being bashed by the increasing swell. Whilst the light and visibility were improving, the wind and swell had increased.
On arrival at the scene the crew managed to quickly get the casualty off his boat and into the lifeboat. The casualty’s welfare was quickly checked before moving into safer waters to carry out a more thorough assessment. Porthdinllaen RNLI had also been tasked and when they arrived the casualty was transferred to their Tamar class all-weather lifeboat to be kept warm and dry.
Porthdinllaen lifeboat then requested assistance to attempt to tow the casualty vessel from the rocks and their Y-Class lifeboat was also deployed to assist to secure a tow to our Atlantic 85 Lifeboat. It become apparent that it was not possible to safely establish a tow and following agreement and confirmation from Porthdinllaen and HM Coastguard our volunteer crew left the scene and returned to the station at 6.08am.
Phill Wood, Volunteer Helm at Abersoch RNLI said, ‘This was an amazing team effort between ourselves, Porthdinllaen and Holyhead Coastguard which enabled the shore crew and boat crew to work through the night to get the job done. Da iawn pawb!’
SHOUT 3: Friday 28th July, 2.29pm
Following a request from British Divers Marine Life Rescue to assist with clearing the sea area off Machroes beach to allow a dolphin who was in labour to escape to the open sea.
Abersoch RNLI Lifeboat Operations Manager, Wyn Jones, said ‘This was certainly a first for Abersoch RNLI at the end of what has been a very busy 15 hours for the volunteer crew’




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July 22 2023
National Eisteddfod - August 5th to 12th

The National Eisteddfod is a celebration of the Welsh culture and language and is being held in Boduan on Pen Llyn from the 5th to 12th August.

The Eisteddfod is Wales’ largest cultural festival attracting over 160,000 visitors each year and is based on almost 850 years of tradition.

The festival is the natural showcase for music, dance, visual arts, literature, original perfomances and much more. Encompassing all aspects of the arts and culture in Wales, it is an inclusive and welcoming festival, which attracts thousands of Welsh learners and those who do not speak the language as well as Welsh speakers every year. Translation services are available in the Pavilion and bilingual information is available.
Traditionally it is a competition-based festival, attracting over 6,000 competitors. The festival has developed and evolved over recent years, and whilst the competitions form the central focus for the week, the Maes (site) itself has grown and developed into a vibrant festival with hundreds of events and activities for the whole family.

For ticket info - visit: www.eisteddfod.wales/


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July 05 2023
Regatta Events Timetable

Click on the image for this years Abersoch Regatta events...

or visit www.abersochregatta.co.uk


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July 05 2023
Lifeboat Launches To Windsurfer In Difficulty

HM Coastguard requested assistance following a report of a windsurfer in difficulty at Porth Ysgo. The volunteer crew were paged at 1.39pm and the lifeboat was launched within ten minutes. During passage the crew were notified that the casualty, who was equipped with both a lifejacket and a means of calling for help, had been able to get ashore and was safe and well. The lifeboat continued to the scene to retrieve the windsurf sail which had been discarded. They returned to the lifeboat station at 3.15pm with the sail which was later collected by the owner. The lifeboat was then washed down, refuelled and left ready for service. Wyn Jones, volunteer Lifeboat Operations Manager, said ‘Whenever heading out onto the water it’s important to have a means of calling for help, such as a mobile phone in a waterproof pouch, and to wear a personal flotation device suitable for the activity’. He added, ‘It was good to see that the windsurfer was well equipped and wearing the right clothing for the activity’. If you get into difficulty, or spot someone else in trouble, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard


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June 15 2023
Lifeboat Aids Fallen Man On Llanbedrog Headland

The volunteer crew were paged at 10.23am on Saturday 10th June following a request from HM Coastguard to assist a man who had fallen on Llanbedrog headland. The volunteer crew launched the ‘Peter and Ann Setten’ Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat at 10.37am and arrived at the scene at 10.45am. Abersoch Coastguard and Criccieth Coastguard were also in attendance. The casualty, a 54 year old male, was out with his family when he took a bad fall. The family used the ‘what3words’ app to provide an accurate location to the Coastguard. On arrival at the scene two of the volunteer crew were put ashore to assess the casualty. It was apparent that he needed further medical assistance and the Coastguard Rescue Helicopter was requested. A considerable number of boats had come to witness the rescue and for safety reasons the lifeboat crew requested that they stand back to allow sufficient clear space for the helicopter. The casualty was transferred to a stretcher and taken to the lifeboat with the assistance of the Coastguard team. He was then airlifted to Ysbyty Gwynedd by the waiting rescue helicopter. The family members who were now cut-off by the rising tide were taken ashore by the lifeboat crew. Fritz Williams, Abersoch RNLI volunteer helm, said, ‘The family did exactly the right thing in passing a ‘what3words’ location to the Coastguard. We were able to very quickly locate them which is especially important when injured in a location with a rising tide’. He added, ‘Huge thanks to Abersoch and Criccieth Coastguard teams and Rescue 936 on this multi-agency rescue’. The lifeboat returned to the station at 1.24pm where it was washed down refuelled and left ready for service.


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June 13 2023
More Call Outs For Abersoch Lifeboat

3rd June: The volunteer crew were paged by HM Coastguard at 3.45pm Saturday 3 June 2023 following reports that two teenagers had not been seen for over an hour. The volunteer crew launched the Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat 3.52pm and arrived at the far end of the Warren beach at 4.00pm. The teenagers had been paddleboarding off the beach and their concerned parents raised the alarm after they had not been seen for some considerable time. One of the teenagers was found to be safely ashore and the volunteer crew located the second person and returned them to the beach where they were then handed over to the waiting Coastguard. No medical treatment was required. Wyn Jones, Abersoch RNLI volunteer Lifeboat Operations Manager, said ‘Always let someone know where you are going and what time you expect to return’. He added, ‘Carry a phone in a waterproof pouch whenever you go out on the water’. The lifeboat returned to the station at 4.28pm where the lifeboat was washed down refuelled and left ready for service. If you get into difficulty, or spot someone else in trouble, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.

7th June: HM Coastguard requested the launch at 10.09am Wednesday 7 June 2023 following an emergency call made by the casualty. The volunteer crew launched the Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat at 10.18am and arrived at the scene at 10.29am. The vessel was situated two miles south of St Tudwal’s islands. The casualty was heading for Ireland in an ocean going, suitably equipped, rowing vessel. After three days at sea due to the adverse weather conditions created by the easterly wind direction, he succumbed to acute seasickness. He had been at anchor for over 24 hours and realising he was too ill to make way any further, he made the emergency call to the Coastguard via his VHF radio. The volunteer crew assessed his condition and felt that further medical assistance was necessary. The casualty was transferred to the lifeboat where he was treated for dehydration and exhaustion. An ambulance was requested to meet the lifeboat at Abersoch lifeboat station. After a short transfer back to the lifeboat station the casualty was handed over to the care of the waiting paramedics. The lifeboat was relaunched with two replacement volunteer crew members and returned to the casualty vessel. After establishing a safe tow the vessel was towed back to a safe mooring within Abersoch harbour. The lifeboat returned to the station at 12.40pm where it was washed down refuelled and left ready for service. Abersoch RNLI volunteer helm, Phill Wood, said ‘We were able to locate the casualty vessel very quickly due to him providing a good position over the VHF radio and also having a working AIS (automatic identification system)’.


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June 02 2023
Abersoch RNLI Assist Swamped Sailing Boat

The volunteer crew were paged by HM Coastguard at 4.23pm Saturday 28 May 2023 following reports of a Squib sailing yacht swamped with water within the moorings. The volunteer crew launched the Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat 4.35pm and arrived at the scene within three minutes. The small sailing yacht had been taking part in a sailing regatta at South Caernarvonshire Yacht Club and due to the large swell had become swamped with water. When the lifeboat arrived at the scene the Abersoch Hydro rib had already been in assistance to help the two casualties that were on board. After establishing a safe tow the volunteer crew towed the vessel to a safe distance close to the beach to enable the remaining water to be bailed. A spokesperson for Abersoch RNLI said, ‘Our thanks go to the team at Abersoch Hydro who responded immediately in order to assist the casualties’. The lifeboat returned to the station at 5.19pm where the lifeboat was washed down refuelled and left ready for service


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May 30 2023
Abersoch RNLI Assist Paddleboarder In Difficulty.

The volunteer crew were paged by HM Coastguard at 1.46pm Friday 26 May 2023 following reports of a person in the water off Carreg y Defaid. The Peter & Ann Setten Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 1.54pm and arrived at the scene at 2.01pm.. The casualty, who was not wearing a lifejacket, had fallen into the water several times from a paddleboard . They had lost their paddle and mobile phone and had shouted for help. They did manage to get back on to the paddleboard and return to the shore. The volunteer crew assessed the casualty and found them to be a little shaken but otherwise well. Abersoch RNLI volunteer helm, Andy Gundy, said, ‘The first informant on the beach completed the right procedures and dialled 999 and asked for the coastguard and reported the location and details’. He added, ‘They said they had contemplated going into the water to assist but had decided against it which was the right thing to do’. He gave the following safety advice, ‘Carry a phone in a waterproof pouch and wear a leash. Check wind forecasts and avoid offshore winds. Visit the RNLI website for more paddleboard safety tips on keeping safe whilst having fun this summer.’ The lifeboat returned to the station at 2.15pm where the lifeboat was washed down refuelled and left ready for service.


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May 24 2023
Local Company Donate Boat For Auction To RNLI Stations

Volunteer crew and fundraisers at Pwllheli RNLI and Abersoch RNLI have been bowled over by the most generous donation of a Saxdor Sport 200 motorboat with accompanying trailer. The 20ft watercraft is powered by a Mercury F115 Pro XS outboard motor and will be sold via a timed online auction with all funds raised benefitting the RNLI charity. The boat was generously donated by IdealBoat of Pwllheli and bidders now have a rare opportunity to own this desirable watercraft, safe in the knowledge they will be directly contributing to the RNLI and getting out on the water this summer. The generous donation will be going up for auction with Mullock’s auctioneers starting on 9 June and ending on 2 July. Bidders are encouraged to register their interest at Mullock’s website www.mullocksauctions.co.uk, as soon as the auction gets underway. All the money raised from the auction will be shared between Pwllheli RNLI and Abersoch RNLI, ensuring the volunteer crews on the Llyn Peninsula can continue saving lives at sea this summer. Local volunteers are delighted that the company has gone overboard in support of the RNLI charity. Catherine Jones RNLI Community Manager for north Wales says: ‘The RNLI is absolutely thrilled to have secured this fantastic gift. Pwllheli RNLI and Abersoch RNLI in particular are delighted by this extremely generous donation from IdealBoat. The money raised will go towards the training and equipment needed to support the volunteer crews who give up their time for the charity which saves lives at sea. We really are incredibly grateful.’ Neville Williams, Managing Director at IdealBoat Pwllheli, said: ‘We take to the water for pleasure; the brave volunteers at the RNLI do so to save lives. We donated the Saxdor 200 to demonstrate our real appreciation for all that they do.’


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May 09 2023
Abersoch RNLI Volunteer Crew Assist Motor Vessel

The volunteer crew were paged by HM Coastguard at 1.27pm Saturday 6 May 2023 following a call for assistance from a motor boat with engine problems off Llanbedrog headland. The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 1.38pm and arrived at the scene within 10 minutes. The 27 foot power boat, with 7 adults and 2 children on board, had smoke coming from the engine The volunteer crew carried out casualty care to ensure that none of the casualties had been affected by smoke inhalation before establishing a safe tow to return the vessel to the Warren beach. Abersoch RNLI Deputy Launch Authority, Martin Turtle, said, ‘It is important to ensure your boat is regularly maintained and serviced.’ He added, ‘Always ensure that you have a means of calling for help and suitable safety equipment on board’. The owner of the vessel contacted the lifeboat station to pass on their thanks and gratitude to the volunteer crew and they also advised that the engine problem had been identified and repaired without delay. The lifeboat returned to the station at 2.30pm where it was washed down, refuelled and left ready for service by the volunteer crew. If you get into difficulty, or spot someone else in trouble, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.


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May 09 2023
Sperm Whale Washes Up On Local Beach

Sad news from our local Coastguard Rescue Team...
"At 8:51 this morning we were tasked to a sighting of a beached whale on Porth Neigwl - thanks to Jess and Matt camping at Treheli for the shout.
Once located, we directed a team from British Divers Marine Life Rescue(bdmlr.org.uk) to the cliff top who confirmed the whale was dead and currently thought to be a young sperm whale. With a full and very high tide preventing any access to the beach a full assessment and post mortem will be carried out later.
Please do NOT attempt to approach the whale as this part of the beach is fully cut off at high tide and any contact will impair the valuable results to be gained from a full autopsy.
Mewn argyfwng ar yr arfordir - traeth, môr neu glogwyn - ffoniwch 999 a gofynnwch am wylwyr y glannau!
In an emergency at the coast - beach, sea or cliff - call 999 and ask for the coastguard!"

Source: https://www.facebook.com/AbersochCoastguard





April 07 2023

Survey On The Future Of Abersoch School Buildings

Abersoch school building has been empty since 2021, it needs restoration and repair works.  A public meeting was held on 23rd January 2023 in response to Gwynedd Council’s offer to Cyngor Cymuned Llanengan Council, to transfer Abersoch School building to the community.  There was strong support in principle, and a group of volunteers came together to set up a group to lead the process - Menter Rabar.
The building is important to the area, and it is essential that it’s developed to meet the needs of the community and be sustainable in the long term.  This survey will help Menter Rabar to further collate and understand the ideas of local people, so that they can proceed to develop options for the building.   Suggestions so far include: A children’s day nursery, day care for people  with dementia, a heritage centre, café, community garden, computer room / working hub. 
This survey is an opportunity for you to present your opinion and ideas.

You can participate in the survey by clicking here






April 07 2023

Survey On The Future Of Abersoch School Buildings

Abersoch school building has been empty since 2021, it needs restoration and repair works.  A public meeting was held on 23rd January 2023 in response to Gwynedd Council’s offer to Cyngor Cymuned Llanengan Council, to transfer Abersoch School building to the community.  There was strong support in principle, and a group of volunteers came together to set up a group to lead the process - Menter Rabar.
The building is important to the area, and it is essential that it’s developed to meet the needs of the community and be sustainable in the long term.  This survey will help Menter Rabar to further collate and understand the ideas of local people, so that they can proceed to develop options for the building.   Suggestions so far include: A children’s day nursery, day care for people  with dementia, a heritage centre, café, community garden, computer room / working hub. 
This survey is an opportunity for you to present your opinion and ideas.

You can participate in the survey by clicking here


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April 07 2023
Abersoch RNLI Call Out: 2/4/23
The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat The Peter & Ann Setten was launched and arrived at the scene, approximately 2.5 miles out of Abersoch, at 2.47pm, following a request to attend to a broken down vessel
After establishing a safe tow the vessel and casualties were towed towards Hafan Pwllheli where it was met by the Pwllheli RNLI D-class inshore lifeboat. The volunteer crew from Pwllheli RNLI proceeded to escorted the vessel from the harbour entrance to a safe berth in the marina.
Abersoch RNLI Lifeboat Operations Manager, Wyn Jones, said, ‘The boat was well equipped with all safety equipment including flares, lifejackets and a VHF radio.’
Andy Green, Pwllheli helm said, ‘We were pleased to assist Abersoch RNLI in recovering the broken-down vessel and ensuring its safe return to Hafan Pwllheli.’
If you get into difficulty, or spot someone else in trouble, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.




April 07 2023
A brand new Asian inspired restaurant has opend in the heart of Abersoch, replacing Kin and Co. Nwdl serves oriental food with Welsh ingredients and you can expect fresh fish and shellfish from Cardigan Bay, and the very best in homegrown local produce, all cooked with a modern take on Asian favours.

During the daytimes, locally roasted coffee and belly busting brunches are available. Check it out!
More Info & Book online at: https://www.nwdl.co/


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March 28 2023
Abersoch RNLI Respond To Mayday Call At Porth Ceiriad

The volunteer crew were out on a training exercise when they received the call to assist from Holyhead Coastguard. The two adult casualties made the mayday call after they became stranded at Porth Ceiriad due to their jet ski experiencing problems. The crew made their way to the south end of Porth Ceiriad where they spotted the two casualties on a rock in the bay. The jet ski, which was starting to sink, was floating nearby. The casualties were well equipped with the appropriate clothing, buoyancy aids and a VHF radio which they used to make the mayday call. They had also anchored the jet ski to prevent it from drifting out to sea. The lifeboat crew recovered the two casualties into the lifeboat and after establishing a safe tow the jet ski and both casualties were returned to the beach where they were assisted by the Abersoch Coastguard team. The jet ski was recovered by the launching tractor onto its trailer and once out of the water a large hole could be seen in the bottom which had caused it to start sinking. The volunteer crew returned to the Lifeboat Station at 11.00am where the lifeboat was washed down, refuelled and left ready for service. Abersoch RNLI volunteer helm, Elissa Williams, said, ‘It was great that they had a VHF with them to call for help and that they were wearing suitable clothing.’ She added, ‘Had they not had the VHF they could have been waiting an extremely long time to be spotted, if at all, due to their location.’ She also pointed out ‘having an anchor on board had meant that the vessel was prevented from drifting out to sea which could have been hazardous to other vessels.’ Elissa stressed the importance of always checking your equipment before launching for any damage, ensuring bungs are present and working and that you have sufficient fuel. If you get into difficulty, or spot someone else in trouble, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.



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March 20 2022

Rock Star Storyteller Hits Abersoch & Pwllheli
An evening with ‘Youth’ - Grammy Award winning musician & producer of Pink Floyd & Paul McCartney, Martin Glover (AKA ‘Youth’) is probably the biggest rock star you may never have heard of. Which is why, when he comes to Abersoch to talk about his life at the very top of the music industry, you need to be here.
As one half of the band The Fireman with Paul McCartney (yes ‘that’ Paul McCartney!), the Grammy Award winning legend has been in and around some of the biggest names in the music business since his days as a twenty something firebrand founder of post-punk favourites, Killing Joke. And now he’s en route here to share his stories of a rock and roll life under the deceptively modest tagline, ‘Living Creatively’.
The storytelling events are guaranteed to keep audiences in anecdotes for years to come and will be supported with some sweet tunes from bands and DJ’s. For those not local, it’s worth making a weekend of it to enjoy the area and the company of one of the UK’s finest artists.
Youth will be at The View in Pwllheli on Saturday 1st April. With support from iTunes Rock Chart topping ‘Autone’, the band fronted by hugely talented local singer-songwriter Jasmine Nicole Roberts, prepare to be blown away by an evening of diverse music and stories.
The St Tudwal’s Abersoch is the venue on the afternoon of Sunday 2nd April with support from the legendary Red Tin Dave and acclaimed local DJ Lionel Thornicroft. Advance tickets for both gigs via Skiddle or pay on the door - £10.
After collaborations as both musician and producer with a diverse range of artists, from members of The KLF to Stock Aitken & Waterman, Youth formed techno house duo Blue Pearl, going on to record the classic top ten single ‘Naked in the Rain’, before taking flight again as a leader of the psychedelic trance movement in the role of both musician and DJ.
With the time ripe to move into production under his own label Butterfly Records, his roster reads like a who’s who of legendary names; from ambient heroes The Orb to pop maestros Take That and Wet Wet Wet, indie favourites The Verve (as co-producer of the seminal Urban Hymns that sound-tracked so many lives) and the one and only Tom Jones.
The list of his collaborations doesn’t end there. Youth went on to apply his production genius to Guns N’ Roses, Kate Bush, Primal Scream, Embrace, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Crowded House, Culture Club, Yazoo, Erasure, U2 and co-produced Pink Floyd’s final album, the 2.5 million seller ‘The Endless River’. The breadth of musical genre and influence is as wide as our very own Cardigan Bay.
The name Youth comes from his love of reggae star Big Youth, so the Grammy Award he picked up in 2021 as co-producer of Got to be Tough, the Best Reggae Album Award winning release from Toots and the Maytals, was as well received as it was overdue. Youth continued his eclectic musical career as part of the duo The Fireman, where he helped McCartney continue his journey into more diverse musical directions with the release of the heavily dance, trance and ambient movement influenced album, ‘Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest’. Youth’s Hacienda Ranch Space Mountain Recording Studio on Grenada has become a legendary festival venue and a recording base for the likes of Cast, Shed 7, James and Culture Club.
It's time now for Youth to tell his stories of over forty years as a leading figure in the UK music recording industry. To talk about life with his collaborators and the music they produced, the art of staying current and contemporary for so long, and the wild times as a bona fide rock and roll star from punk to the present day. A hugely entertaining character with a wide range of interests from an Art School background that has been a visual backdrop to his musical life, his role as an Honorary Bard (all will be revealed!) in the Druid movement, to his latest incarnation as a poet, writer and storyteller.
Youth ‘Living Creatively’ tour:
Wednesday 29th March Canolfan Ucheldre Centre Anglesey
Thursday 30th March Ty Glyndwr Bar & Café Caernarfon
Friday 31st March Market Hall Caernarfon
Saturday 1st April The View Pwllheli
Sunday 2nd April St Tudwal’s Abersoch
Tickets £10 on the door or in advance via Skiddle




March 15 2023
Coastguard Called Out Twice in One Day.
Yesterday saw two call outs for the Abersoch Coastguard Rescue Team, with the Abersoch Lifeboat also required on one.

Firstly, the Coastguard team were paged at 13.01hrs to reports of an unmanned jet ski drifting off Abersoch beach. The team met up with the owner who informed them that it had slipped its anchor. Abersoch Lifeboat was launched and returned the jet ski to the beach. Later in the day at 18.00hrs, the Coastguards were called to assist an individual who had fallen on the beach and sustained a hip injury. Coastguard helicopter 936 was tasked to the emergency and airlifted the casualty to Ysbyty Gwynedd.

Follow Abersoch Coastguard on their Facebook page at:


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February 22 2023

Council & Welsh Government Schemes To Address Local Housing Issues

There are signs that some of the money raised from the hikes in second home council tax, will be used to assist local first time buyers and also to assist with the issue of the shortage of affordable rental housing for local people. The plans are being implemented by Cyngor Gwynedd Council and are supported by the Welsh Government.

BBC Wales TV have been reporting that the council are planning to buy up to 100 houses on the open market, (including the purchase of some property in very expensive areas such as Abersoch), to assist with the shortage of housing for local people. There are currently a large number of people on the Gwynedd housing list urgently seeking suitable social housing. One issue raised on the TV news item (see link below) was the comment from a local man who said said that planning laws need to be looked at to allow more locals to build their own homes in the area.

Local Estate Agent Martin Lewthaite, has commented on the BBC news item and sees it as a positve move. He says:

"In my opinion having been an Estate Agent working in Abersoch for close on 50 years, I commend the actions finally being taken by the Council, but feel that money they now have could be better spent on acquiring suitable land to build more affordable housing particularly for the rental sector. There is undeveloped land adjoining many of the existing affordable home sites on Pen Llyn that is suitable to be built on, so some of this money should be set aside for this purpose."

In addition to the council buy back scheme, there is also a Welsh Government homebuy scheme now in place. This scheme provides an equity loan to assist purchasing an existing property.

The scheme helps people who could not otherwise afford to buy a property and is particularly of benefit in more rural communities where there may be few opportunities to buy a home.

The BBC News item on Abersoch can be viewed at the following link (7:50 into the programme)

For info on the Home Buy scheme:

BBC Wales and BBC Cymru items on the council house buying scheme:


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January 22 2023

Public Meeting To Discuss Future Of Former Ysgol Abersoch Site
From BBC Cymru: A public meeting will be held to discuss the intention to turn a former school in Llŷn into a community facility.

Despite local efforts, Ysgol Abersoch closed its doors in December 2021 and remains empty.

But a meeting in the village on Monday night will try to get ideas, with the hope of purchasing the building for the benefit of the community.

According to the local councillor, there is an appetite in the village to keep the building as a resource for the people of Abersoch.

Councillor John Brynmor Hughes, who represents the Abersoch and Llanengan ward on the county council, said it was important the building did not remain disused.

"The people of the village and the parish want to keep it the way it is,"

"It's important to be preserved, it's a wooden school, historic and part of the community.

"It's a shame it's closed, I live across the road to it and it's strange not to hear the sound of the children playing.

"It's so quiet now and we're left without it, but that's it."

It is believed that the wooden school opened its doors on 21 January 1924 and was the village school for 97 years.

Community council clerk Einir Wyn said it's mainly a meeting to gather ideas.

"We're pretty open-ended at the moment, and the evening is designed to give the community a chance to come together and come forward with ideas about the future of the building."

Read the full article (in Welsh) at:



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January 22 2023

New Law To Crack Down On Misuse of Personal Watercraft (Jet Skis)

New legislation is being introduced to crack down on the dangerous misuse of watercraft such as jet skis, with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency being granted more powers to prosecute perpetrators of accidents.

The new law will come into force on 31 March 2023, before the busy summer period and will enable watercraft users to be prosecuted and bound by the same laws that apply to ships in order to help to prevent accidents.

This follows a boom in the watercraft industry during the pandemic, with the number, size, power and availability of watercraft like jet skis increasing, and their use in UK waters rising significantly.

Anyone riding a jet ski recklessly or causing harm to others could now face up to 2 years in prison and an unlimited fine.
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency is to be granted more powers to prosecute, as government works to ensure the UK’s waters continue to be some of the safest in the world

Read the full UK Government press release at: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/reckless-jet-skiers-to-face-prison-and-unlimited-fines-thanks-to-law-change


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January 02 2022

Huge Turn Out For The Abersoch RNLI Dip
New Year's Day saw a big turnout on the main beach for the Abersoch RNLI sea dip. The Abersoch RNLI Facebook page has lots of photos of the event at:



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December 24 2022

Nadolig Llawen! / Merry Christmas!
Best wishes to all readers and hope you have a great Christmas.

<photo: John Wormald


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December 13 2022

Abersoch Has A World Champion!
Congratulations to Abersoch's Llywelyn "Sponge" Williams, who has just become a world champion surfer at the 2022 ISA Para Surfing World Championships in California at the weekend.

ITV News reports that Llywelyn is regarded as one of the best adaptive surfers in the world, but had narrowly missed out on a world championship in previous years. Read the full article at:



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Council Votes For Second Home Tax Of 150%

Following on from the pinned item below, yesterday, (1st December 2022), the council voted to confirm the increase of second home council tax to 150%.

The BBC have an item at:


Council Cabinet Recommend Second Home Tax Of 150%

Yesterday, (the 22nd November), it was reported that the Cabinet of Gwynedd Council agreed to present a recommendation to the Full Council to increase the Council Tax Premium for 2nd homes from 100% to 150% from April 2023 and keep the Premium for long term empty homes at the current rate of 100%. There has been speculation that the council would increase the premium on second homes to 300%, but this appears to not be the case - pending the vote of the Full Council. The timetable of this suggests that The Full Council will need to reach a decision on the Premium on 1 December 2022 in order to set Council Tax for 2023/24. More info to follow as it becomes available.

Read the council cabinet report pdf by clicking here.



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November 15 2022

A Few Tickets Available For Chartity Ladies Lunch
There are just a few tickets left for the Ladies Lunch in aid of the RNLI to be held on the 1st December at the Potted Lobster in Abersoch. The tickets are £45 each for a fabulous 3 course lunch which includes prosecco on arrival and free entry into the table draw, with the chance to win some fantastic prizes. Please contact Jeanette Leigh on 07796276330 or jeanette@thepropertyworks.co.uk for more details.


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November 09 2022
Latest Abersoch Lifeboat Launch In Difficult Conditions
The volunteer crew were paged on Sunday 6 November 2022, at 10.13am by HM Coastguard following a report that a small dog had fallen onto rocks. The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 10.30am and made way towards Aberdaron in difficult weather conditions with large swells, driving rain and a strong south westerly wind. The call for assistance was made after the dog had fallen down the cliffside and had become stranded on the rocks below. There were concerns that the owners would attempt to climb down the cliffside to rescue the dog themselves which would have put them in considerable danger. On arrival at the scene at 11.10am, where the conditions in the bay were calmer, one of the volunteer crew was placed on the small shale inlet that the dog had fallen on to. The animal was found to be safe and well although understandably frightened. The local Coastguard team were also present and monitoring the situation from the cliffside. With no access by foot to the small cove, the crew member carried the dog to the waiting lifeboat and it was then taken to Porth Meudwy slipway where it was returned to its relieved owners. Volunteer Helm, Elissa Thursfield-Williams, said ‘We would urge owners to always keep their dog on a lead when walking along cliffside coastal paths’. She added, ‘If your pet does get into difficulty please do not attempt to go near the water to rescue them yourselves, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard’. The lifeboat returned to the lifeboat station at 12.20pm where it was then thoroughly washed down by the waiting shoreside crew, refuelled and left ready for service at 12.30pm.


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November 09 2022
Abersoch Christmas Festival Schedule & Raffle

There is a packed agenda of events for the Abersoch Christmas Festival weekend on the 2nd to 4th December - click on the image opposite for the poster. There is also a great raffle, with some fantastic prizes...


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October 16 2022
Turtle Photography Moving To Online Only From November

From Martin Turtle today...

"After 30 years in our gallery in the craft centre, we will be accepting online orders only from November.
Thank you all for your continuing support since 1992.
Look out for new images online......
Ar ôl 30 mlynedd yn ein galeri yn Aberuchaf, byddwn yn derbyn archebion ar-lein yn unig o fis Tachwedd ymlaen.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich holl gefnogaeth ers 1992.
Cadwch olwg am luniau newydd ar-lein....£



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October 14 2022
RNLI Abersoch Coffee Morning

A coffee morning in aid of Abersoch Lifeboat will take place at Abersoch village hall on Saturday 29th October. Click on the image for details.


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October 06 2022
Important Info For Taking Part In Abersoch RNLI New Year’s Day Dip

Abersoch RNLI is delighted to be able to hold the popular New Year’s Day Dip again in 2023. However, before giving permission for this event to proceed, RNLI Headquarters in Poole has insisted that we make significant changes to how we manage the Dip. The RNLI has said that ALL dippers must be registered and must be checked into and out of the water on the day. We have therefore set up an online registration system, which can be found by clicking here.

If you wish to join in the Dip this year, will you please register, for which we are having to charge a small entry fee of £10 for adults and £5 for children under 16. You will then be sent a numbered wrist band which must be shown before entering the dipping area and will be exchanged for a medal after the Dip. We very much regret having to make these changes to the Dip, but without them RNLI Poole would not give permission for the Dip to go ahead. Remember the theme for this year is “All Things 70s and 80s” and we are looking forward to seeing the usual imaginative costumes reflecting this theme. Do plan to arrive in plenty of time to allow for the usual heavy traffic and the time needed to check in.


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October 06 2022

Crowdfunding For Abersoch Christmas Weekend
Every year the Abersoch and District Trade and Tourism Association (a not-for-profit organisation made up of local businesses and volunteers) plan and put together this fantastic weekend for everyone to enjoy, from Christmas trees and lights, Santa grotto to live music and much more...

We thought this year we would open it up so that local people and visitors not in the association can donate towards helping make this weekend the most fantastic weekend ever.

We understand times are hard for most now so we are very grateful for any support you can give

You can donate here... www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/adtta

<photo: John Wormald


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September 28 2022
Latest Abersoch Lifeboat Launch
The volunteer crew were paged at 11.05am on Sunday, 25 September, following a request for assistance from HM Coastguard. The lifeboat was launched and on arrival at the scene the volunteer crew found that the casualty vessel, a 17ft Shetland leisure fishing boat, had experienced engine failure and whilst an auxiliary electric engine was on board, unfortunately it was not powerful enough to push the vessel against the ebbing spring tide from its position one mile south of St Tudwals West. The crew established a safe tow and took the vessel to a waiting trailer on Abersoch Harbour beach. The lifeboat returned to the station to be cleaned and refuelled and left ready for service at 12.30pm. If you do get into difficulty, or spot someone else in trouble, call 999 or 112 and ask for the Coastguard.


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September 24 2022

New APNR Parking System For Village Hall Car Park
The village hall car park has had an APNR camera parking system installed this week. Users of the car park must now enter their number plate into the machines provided and pay the correct tariff. The system operates 24 hours a day and users will receive a charge of £100 if they do not adhere to the terms and conditions. We have not heard whether a parking charge can be appealed locally, howvever, the company running the APNR system has a FAQ page at:


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September 24 2022

Cheers Event This Weekend
The new "Cheers" event is taking place in Abersoch this weekend. Information can be found by clicking on the image opposite.


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September 24 2022

Trees Felled Due To Safety Fears
One of Abersoch's landmark trees was recently felled after safety assessments deemed it to be a risk of coming down on the lifeboat station or neighbouring yards. The tree can be seen on the photo opposite, immediately to the left of the lifeboat station. Planning permission for the felling has been approved for some time.

<photo: John Wormald




September 24 2022

Consultation On Visitor Levy (AKA Tourist Tax)

A consultation process has been launched to gain views on the proposed new Tourist Tax. According to the info online...

"This consultation explores issues relating to the design and operation of a visitor levy.

Key choices will include:

The principle and purpose of a visitor levy
Who should pay a visitor levy?
Who should charge and collect a visitor levy?
How a visitor levy could be applied?
What discretionary powers a local authority could have for the operation of a visitor levy?
What information may be required to administer a visitor levy?
How a visitor levy may be enforced?
How revenues from a visitor levy could be used and people made aware of the use of revenues and the benefits?"

Access the documents and further info at:




September 2022
Public To Have Say On 300% Council Tax Hike For Second Home Owners In Gwynedd

In a interesting development in the issue of the huge rise in council tax for second homes, which is expected to be implemented in 2023, the Daily Post is reporting that the public will be consulted on the issue.

The article says:

"The next step in a process which could lead to council tax premiums for second homes and long term empty properties in Gwynedd rise to 300 percent is getting under way in Caernarfon. Gwynedd Council's cabinet is seeking a decision to hold a public consultation on the possible proposal to raise the premium beyond 100% and up to 300% - for the financial year 2023/24.

The full council has to make an annual decision on the premium rate. But to comply with legal requirements, if the council wants to increase the premium level the public must be consulted on the proposal first.

The council is also seeking agreement to delegate powers to its head of finance in consultation with the head of legal services so it can prepare the public consultation package. The decisions will be discussed in the council's next cabinet meeting being held at the Siambr Hywel Dda, Council Offices, on Tuesday, September 13."




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September 21 2022
Lifeboat Launch To Powerboat With Mechanical Problems
The Abersoch volunteer crew were paged 5.15pm on Monday 19 September 2022 following a request for assistance from HM Coastguard. The Coastguard team had been contacted following reports of a 17.5ft Bayliner powerboat experiencing engine problems situated three miles east of Abersoch. The Peter and Ann Setten B Class Atlantic 85 inshrore lifeboat was launched within minutes to assist the vessel. There were four adults and a young child on board; they were not equipped with lifejackets. On arrival at the scene the crew found that the casualty vessel had been restarted and was starting to make way back to Pwllheli. The volunteer crew shadowed the boat back to the Marina before returning to the lifeboat station at 6.09pm, The lifeboat was then thoroughly washed down, refuelled and rehoused ready for service by the volunteer crew. Tim Long, Deputy Launch Authority at Abersoch Lifeboat Station, said ‘We would always recommend wearing a suitable lifejacket whenever venturing out onto the water’. He added, ‘Ideally an auxiliary engine should be available onboard all motor vessels as a back-up should the primary engine fail’. If you get into difficult, or spot someone else in trouble, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.


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September 09 2022

Abersoch Christmas Weekend / Penwythnos Nadolig Abersoch
Penwythnos Nadolig Abersoch! 2il, 3ydd a 4ydd o Ragfyr eleni Hwyl a sbri yr ŵyl: ymweliad gan Sion Corn, Ffair Nadolig, siopa hwyr, canu Carolau a llawer mwy!
Cofiwch roi y dyddiad yn eich dyddlyfr.

Abersoch Christmas weekend will be held on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of December this year, jam packed with all the favourites, A visit from Father Christmas, Christmas fair, late night shopping, Carol singing and so much more
Pop the date in your diary. We have some limited spaces available in the Christmas fair for local business, makers and producers.

Further details to follow.

<photo: John Wormald


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September 02 2022
Lifeboat Launch To Paddleboarders In 2 Call-Outs.
The volunteer crew were first paged by HM Coastguard at 3.32pm on Tuesday 30 August 2022 following reports of a paddleboarder being swept out to sea. The Peter & Ann Setten Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 3.40pm and headed out towards Aberdaron in a moderate easterly wind. A passing fishing vessel had been able to assist the paddleboarder, who was not wearing a lifejacket, and had returned them safely to the shore. The volunteer crew were stood down as no further assistance was required. On returning to the lifeboat station a member of the public alerted the crew to a female casualty with a suspected fractured ankle on Min-y-Don beach. The casualty, who had been out paddleboarding, was placed on a stretcher and the lifeboat then returned to the station at 4.31pm. Casualty care was administered by the volunteer crew and an ambulance was requested with a wait time of approximately 3-4 hours. After receiving pain relief the casualty felt able to be driven by her partner to Ysbyty Gwynedd Accident & Emergency department, leaving the lifeboat station at 8.05pm. The lifeboat was washed down, refuelled and left ready for service by the volunteer shore crew. If you do get into difficulty, or spot someone else in trouble, call 999 or 112 and ask for the Coastguard.


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September 02 2022
White House Hotel Could be Ready In 2024
It has been reported that work will commence on the Whitehouse Hotel site in January 2023, with a view for the works to be completed by the summer of 2024. There have been several false dawns for this site, since the old hotel shut in 2004, leading to local doubts as to whether the project will ever be finished, however, the developers suggest that the 42 bedroom luxury hotel project will now begin. The Daily Post has an article on this at:



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August 18 2022
Lifeboat Launch To Two In Difficulty In St. Tudwal's Sound
A member of the public out walking along the Coastal Path raised the alarm after spotting two people in difficulty in the water in St. Tudwal's sound. The RNLI volunteer crew were paged at 3.05pm and the Peter & Ann Setten inshore lifeboat was launched at 3.16pm. On arrival at the scene, in a moderate sea state and a strong offshore wind, the crew were guided to the two casualties by the helm of the Abersoch Boat Trips rib which was coming through the sound at St Tudwals after responding to a Pan-Pan call from Holyhead Coastguard. The two adult male casualties, who were both wearing buoyancy aids, had got into difficulty whilst out sailing in their Topper dinghy and were unable to make any headway against the strong offshore wind. They had abandoned the dinghy and were attempting to swim ashore. The casualties were taken on board the lifeboat and were immediately assessed by the volunteer crew. After establishing a safe tow the lifeboat returned the casualties and their vessel to the safety of Machroes beach. No further medical assistance was required. The volunteer crew left the scene at 3.44pm where the Atlantic 85 lifeboat was then thoroughly washed down, refuelled and left ready for service by the shoreside volunteer crew. Abersoch RNLI volunteer helm, Andy Gunby, said, ‘Much appreciation is sent to the members of the public who called 999 and raised the alarm with HM Coastguard and to Abersoch Boat Trips for their swift response to the Pan-Pan call’. He added, ‘This highlights the need to always carry a means of calling for help, staying with your vessel and wearing a suitable lifejacket at all times as well as the importance of knowing how to contact the Coastguard’. If you do get into difficulty, or spot someone else in trouble, call 999 or 112 and ask for the Coastguard.


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August 10 2022
Seven Paddleboarders Rescued!
Abersoch RNLI volunteer crew rescue seven paddleboarders caught in offshore wind on the afternoon of Saturday, 6th August.
HM Coastguard paged the volunteer crew at 3.44pm after receiving a call from a passing yacht with an RNLI Llandudno crew member on board.
The crew of the yacht picked up the seven casualties, three adults and four children, who had been blown out to St Tudwal’s sound on the outgoing tide. They had been unable to make any headway due to the westerly offshore wind and were suffering from cold after having been in the water several times. The four children were equipped with lifejackets.
All seven casualties were transferred to the Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat and immediately assessed by the volunteer crew who found them all to be suffering from cold but requiring no further medical attention.
The volunteer crew left the scene at 4.27pm and returned the casualties along with their equipment to Abersoch Main Beach slipway where they were handed over to the care of the Coastguard team.
The lifeboat returned to the lifeboat station at 4.40pm where it was then thoroughly washed down, refuelled and left ready for service by the shoreside volunteer crew.
Andy Gundy, Abersoch RNLI volunteer helm said, ‘Please follow the advice found on the RNLI website https://rnli.org/safety/choose-your-activity/stand-up-paddle-boarding .
Check the weather forecast, tide times and avoid offshore wind conditions. Take a means of calling for help, wear a suitable personal flotation device and wherever
possible go to supervised beaches.’ He added, ‘Our thanks go to all those who assisted during this incident’.
If you do get into difficulty, or spot someone else in trouble, call 999 or 112 and ask for the Coastguard.


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August 03 2022
Another Call Out For Abersoch Lifeboat
Abersoch RNLI volunteer crew were tasked to a drifting powerboat this week. The pager went off at 12.10pm , Tuesday 2 August 2022 following a request from HM Coastguard to assist a drifting motor vessel and reports of three people in water. The 16-foot Chaparral powerboat had been anchored off Abersoch Main Beach the previous evening and during the night with strong winds it had broken free of its anchor and had drifted to Llanbedrog headland. On arrival at the scene at 12.25pm the volunteer crew found three people in the water who were attempting to retrieve the vessel after they had become aware it had gone adrift from where they had left it anchored the previous evening. They were not wearing lifejackets. No first aid was required and all three were safely returned to the shore whilst the Lifeboat attended to the vessel. The volunteer crew were able to tow the vessel off the rocks and safely beach it on the sand for the owners to recover. The lifeboat returned to the station at 1.15pm where it was then thoroughly washed down, refuelled and left ready for service. Wyn Jones, Abersoch volunteer Lifeboat Operations Manager said, ‘We would always recommend that people check the weather forecast and tides before leaving any vessel at anchor’. He added, ‘When entering the water, we advise wearing a suitable lifejacket or buoyancy at all times’. If you do get into difficulty, or spot someone else in trouble, call 999 or 112 and ask for the Coastguard.


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August 02 2022
Abersoch Lifeboat Rescue Casualty With Suspected Back Injury
The volunteer crew were paged at 2.39pm on 28th July, following a request from HM Coastguard to assist a casualty who had fallen whilst onboard a motor vessel
and had a suffered a suspected back injury.
The Peter & Ann Setten Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 2.53pm and
arrived at the casualty’s location, Trwyn yr Wylfa, within six minutes.
The female casualty had fallen and sustained a suspected back injury after the 19ft powerboat she was on was hit by large wake. On arrival at the scene the volunteer crew were informed by a second person on board that the casualty had lost consciousness. She was now reporting feeling nauseous and unwell.
The crew assessed the casualty and carried out immediate casualty care. Once she was stable enough they then transferred her to the stretcher and returned to the Lifeboat Station at 3.38pm where they were met by waiting paramedics. At 5.05pm the casualty was then transferred to an ambulance and taken to Ysbyty Gwynedd in Bangor for further assessment.
The lifeboat was then thoroughly washed down, refuelled and left ready for service.
Wyn Jones, Abersoch RNLI volunteer Lifeboat Operations Manager, said, ‘Today’s shout emphasises the importance of always having a reliable means of calling for help whenever heading out onto the water, ideally a VHF Radio and a fully charged mobile phone’.
If you do get into difficulty, or spot someone else in trouble, call 999 or 112 and ask for the Coastguard.



August 01 2022
Llanbedrog Boat Jumble In Support Of Local Rnli On Aug 21st

The second annual boat jumble will take place again later this month.

11am to 4pm

Second hand boats, small craft, wetsuits, life-jackets, engines, fenders and much more, Grab yourself a bargain at the second annual Llanbedrog Boat Jumble in support of RNLI Abersoch and RNLI Pwllheli.
Admission (on the door, all proceeds to RNLI):
Adults - £2
Children - Free
Parking - Free
Trading Pitches (email below, all proceeds to RNLI):
Standard Pitch - £25
Boats/large craft - £depending on size
Please email francescadenneny@hotmail.co.uk to reserve a trading pitch.
If you have any items you would like to donate rather than sell, please bring them along to the RNLI pitch by the entrance, or email francescadenneny@hotmail.co.uk. All proceeds from this stand will go to the RNLI.

Detail on their Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/events/405758508260109



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July 31 2022
Abersoch RNLI New Year’s Day Dip To Return

The Abersoch RNLI New Year’s Day Dip will be back in 2023!
Get your costumes and wetsuits at the ready for the long-awaited return of this fantastic event. The theme for 2023 will be ‘All things 70’s & 80’s’ so dig out your flares and shoulder pads and let’s make 2023 the best yet!
For 2023 there will be a few changes including online registration via an Abersoch RNLI Eventbrite page - £10 adults/£5 children. Following registration, you will receive a wrist band which you will need for the event. Keep an eye on this page abd on the Abersoch RNLI social media pages for further details.
All the volunteer Crew and support volunteers look forward to seeing you all down at the Main Beach on 1st January 2023 dressed to impress!


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July 22 2022
Latest Call Out For Abersoch Lifeboat To Stranded Casualty

The volunteer crew were paged by HM Coastguard at 11.21am Thursday 14 July 2022 following reports of a person in difficulty.
The casualty, an adult male, had become stranded on the rocks to the west side of Porth Neigwl whilst out fishing. Following a call to the Coastguard the lifeboat was tasked and launched at 11.37am. The volunteer crew arrived on the scene at 11.52am.
Both the Coastguard and Fire Service were already present but had been unable to safely reach the casualty. Due to the challenging geographical nature of the location, the North Wales Coastguard helicopter was requested to assist.
On arrival at the scene the casualty was winched to safety by the helicopter crew who then took over the care of the casualty.
The lifeboat returned to the lifeboat station at 13.44pm and was thoroughly washed down, refuelled and left ready for service.
If you get into difficulty, or spot someone else in trouble, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.


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July 15 2022

New Event In Abersoch In September
The Abersoch and District Trade and Tourism Association have created a new event in Abersoch for later in September. "Cheers To The Weekend" will celebrate the end of the summer season with live music and a mini beer festival. Preliminary information can be found on the poster opposite (click to enlarge).


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July 13 2022

Tim's Tractor Goes Viral
The story of one of the launch and recovery tractors run by Tim at Abersoch Boatyard Services getting stuck, submerged and then recovered, has received a great deal of interest on social media and has even reached the pages of the national press...


Articles at:


- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11005175/Rescue-tractor-needs-rescuing-bid-fetch-boat-moorings-ends-20-feet-underwater.html


- https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/tractor-disappears-under-sea-abersoch-24459881




July 06 2022
New Website For ADTTA

The Abersoch & District Trade & Tourism Association have a new website.

In their own words, "The Local businesses have all come together as one voice to promote and develop business and events in Abersoch and the Llŷn Penisula. Now rebranded as heart of Abersoch- Calon Abersoch, we have re-opened the local Tourist Information Office, which is full of information on what to do in and around the area (even when its wet!)."

Visit the new website at: www.heartofabersoch.co.uk


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July 04 2022
Call Out To Injured Sailor For Abersoch RNLI

The volunteer crew were paged by HM Coastguard at 8.41pm on Saturday 2 July 2022, to an injured sailor anchored off Llanbedrog headland.
The casualty, an adult male, had fallen whilst making passage from Aberystwyth and had experienced engine failure and gib failure. He attempted to anchor the vessel off the headland at Llanbedrog but was unable to prevent the anchor from dragging.
The casualty, who had suffered a fall, was located by the volunteer crew after a brief search and a crew member was then placed on board the 26foot sailing yacht to perform casualty care. The casualty was assessed and found to have a possible broken rib with a high pain score.
With no ambulance available and considering the welfare of the casualty, the decision was made to tow the vessel to Pwllheli Marina. A safe tow was established and the Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat made it’s way to the marina. The crew were met by the Coastguard unit who further assessed the adult male casualty. The casualty was left in their care and the lifeboat returned to the Lifeboat Station at 11.13pm where the lifeboat was then thoroughly washed down, refuelled and left ready for service.
Abersoch RNLI volunteer helm, Andy Gundy, said, ‘This was a positive outcome with some good teamwork from all agencies involved.’ He added, ‘If you do get into difficultyor see anyone in trouble at sea, call 999 or use VHF Channel 16 and ask for the Coastguard.’


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June 24 2022

Abersoch Regatta 2022 Events Schedule Released.
The timetable for the village 2022 Abersoch Regatta events has been released and is available by clicking on the image opposite. The Abersoch Regatta is an annual series of events run by "the Abersoch village community" each August for local people and of course for all the visitors to the area and is one of the only community run regatta type events in the UK. The events are designed to be fun for families and people of all ages and include the famous raft race, a golf competition, sand castle building, surf and paddleboarding comps and the famous sailing regatta day at SCYC, where the first Abersoch regatta was held back in 1881! Each year, the various events in the village raise money for local good causes.
More info at: abersochregatta.co.uk



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June 24 2022

Abersoch RNLI Assist Casualty Requiring Medical Assistance.
The volunteer crew were paged at 4.28pm today, Thursday 23 June, by HM
Coastguard after contact with a casualty requiring medical assistance at Porth
Ceriad had been lost. The Peter & Ann Setten Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat was launched at 4.40pm and arrived at Porth Ceriad within seven minutes.
On arrival at the scene the crew assessed the adult male casualty who required
medical assistance after standing on hot sand where a portable barbeque had recently been used. He had suffered burns to the soles of both feet and was in some discomfort and pain. He was treated by the crew at the scene before being taken to the lifeboat station where the waiting paramedics took over. The casualty was collected by friends who then drove him home.
The lifeboat was thoroughly washed down by the volunteer shore-crew, refuelled and left ready for service at 5.45pm.
A spokesperson for Abersoch RNLI said, ‘Some of the beaches around the peninsula are quite remote and not easily accessible by road therefore we would always recommend having a means of calling for help and tell someone where you are going and what time you expect to return’.
If you get into trouble or see someone who needs help, call 999 and ask for the


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June 08 2022

The World's First Jet Powered Inflatable SUP
The team at O'shea surf have been working on an unusual project recently with the guys at jetpower.co.uk - who take jet engines and mount them on various forms of transport (see some of their projects at (www.jetpower.co.uk).

Check out the video of what happens when you mount such a jet engine on one of O'Shea's Super Jumbo inflatable SUP's.

You tube video: https://youtu.be/NBfSWKSav6o

O'Shea SUP website: https://osheasup.com/

O'Shea Facebook: www.facebook.com/osheasurf/videos/408675257812946


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June 08 2022
Abersoch Lifeboat Launched To Assist Casualty At Porth Ysgo

Our Atlantic 85 lifeboat was launched at 4.41pm on the 6th June and arrived at Porth Ysgo within 12 minutes. The crew had been tasked to assist Aberdaron and Abersoch Coastguard Teams with a female casualty who had a suspected broken arm.
Due to the access and remoteness of Porth Ysgo the decision was made that it would be safer to evacuate by sea rather than land due to the injuries sustained by the casualty.
On arrival at the scene the volunteer crew helped to stabilise the casualty and transfer her onto the stretcher ready for transfer to the waiting lifeboat. Due to the nature of the location with many large boulders beneath the surface it required two RNLI crew and two of the Coastguard team to safely transport the casualty to the lifeboat.
The lifeboat returned the casualty to the lifeboat station where her condition was futher assessed by the volunteer crew with pain relief administered until a friend arrived to transport her to Ysbyty Gwynedd. Thanks to all involved and we wish her a speedy recovery.


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May 20 2022

Abersoch Lifeboat - Callout

From Abersoch RNLI...
"Our Atlantic 85 inshore Lifeboat The Peter and Ann Setten was launched within 10 minutes of the Volunteer crew being paged and arrived at the scene just 5 minutes later where they found a 40 year old female in a small Optimist dinghy, 200m off The Old Lifeboat Station, which had been swamped by the sea and was sinking.
Volunteer Helm, Phill Wood, who was out windsurfing at the time, raised the alarm after spotting the casualty in trouble. He remained with the casualty until the lifeboat arrived.
Phill said, ‘I saw a small sailing dinghy in the Sound and something didn’t quite look right, so myself and another windsurfer decided to go out and check on them. It was a moderate south westerly wind gusting strong. We arrived to find a small dinghy with one person on board completely swamped and struggling to make headway. We immediately went ashore and called for help as we felt they were unable to make it back to the shore. We then returned to the casualty until the lifeboat arrived’.
The casualty and dinghy were both taken back to Abersoch RNLI station, where the casualty was assessed by the crew and was found to be cold but otherwise OK.."



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May 20 2022

Abersoch RNLI Volunteer Receives Award

News from Abersoch Lifeboat Station fundraising...

"Congratulations to Roy Taylor who received an ‘Excellence in volunteering ‘ award last night from The RNLI for all his important work as Abersoch RNLI Station and Fundraising secretary and especially all the work he’s done over the years with the New Years Dip.
Well Done Roy and Big Thanks, all your hard work has been hugely appreciated."



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May 07 2022

John Brynmor Hughes Wins Abersoch/Llanengan Ward

The local council elections were held this week and the newly merged ward of Abersoch and Llanengan was won by John Hughes, who took a 55% share of the vote, winning by 252 votes to 209.


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April 24 2022

Merging Of Llanengan & Abersoch Wards For Council Elections

The upcoming council elections in the area are very different this time round, due to the merging of the Abersoch and Llanegan wards. This means that only one of the current two local councillors will be able to be elected.


The 2 candidates are John Hughes (top photo) and Dewi Wyn Roberts (second photo).


John has been the councillor for Llanengan for 10 years and many will recognise him as the previous landlord of The Sun (Yr Haul) Inn in Llanengan. John is standing as an independent candidate.


Dewi is the current councillor for Abersoch and was elected back in 2017. He is standing as a candidate for Plaid Cymru.


The election takes place on Thursday 5th May 2022.


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March 30 2022


Heartbreaking news to report this week with the passing of Johnny, the owner of Off Axis. Johnny's family have posted this very moving tribute and our thoughts are with you all.


"It is with a heavy heart and deep regret that we announce the passing of Johnny Robinson.
He died at home peacefully in his sleep Sunday morning 27th March 2022 filled with love, after heroically facing incurable bowel cancer. Johnny’s strength, will to live, positivity and determination to defy the odds bought us extra months and memories.
‘Johnny’, ‘JT’, ‘Johnny Tantrum’, ‘John’, ‘George’, ‘Robbo’, ‘Mr Offaxis’, you were quite possibly one of the finest human beings! A beautiful soul, a natural all round, talented sportsperson, musician, teacher, mentor, son, brother, husband, father, friend, uncle, brother in law, humble, fair and kind, an inspiration and legend! You will be forever in our hearts.
We love you always,
Lines, Jai and Lauren x x x
A big thank you to the Offaxis Team and our huge community who have been so loving and supportive.
Johnny’s funeral will be held at Bangor Crematorium 11am Thursday 28th April 2022, further details will follow. "



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March 21st 2022
Early Morning 1st Call-out Of The Year For Abersoch RNLI

The volunteer crew responded to the early morning call-out following a report of a dinghy drifting off Llanbedrog headland.

Abersoch RNLI volunteer crew were tasked by UK Coastguard at 00.30am Thursday 17 March 2022 to assist two casualties on board a small dinghy drifting off the headland at Llanbedrog.

The Peter and Ann Setten B Class Atlantic 85 inshrore lifeboat was launched at 00.48am and arrived at the scene within eight minutes.

On arrival at the scene two young adult male casualties were found onboard. They were not wearing lifejackets at the time of the rescue and had contacted the Coastguard via a mobile telephone.

The casualties were taken onboard the lifeboat and a safe tow was established and the dinghy was returned to the shore. The casualties were then handed over to the local Coastguard team.

The lifeboat returned to the station at 01.35am and was then thoroughly washed down, refuelled and rehoused ready for service by the volunteer crew.

Lifeboat Operations Manager, Wyn Jones, said ‘If you spot a vessel that appears to be unattended you should remain onshore and call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.’


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March 05 2022

New Lifeboat Operations Manager At Abersoch Lifeboat Station
News from Abersoch RNLI...

"We want to wish our Lifeboat Operations Manager a fond farewell and Good Luck as he takes on his new roll at Pwllheli RNLI and a big welcome to Wyn Jones (pictured on the left of the photo) as he takes over the position here at Abersoch.

Both Andy and Wyn joined as volunteer crew around the same time in 1984 and after retiring from the boat, Wyn rejoined a few years later as Deputy Launching Authority, so is very experienced to take over the management of the crew and station.

All the crew and volunteers here at Abersoch RNLI wish them both every success in their future roles.
To read more Andy and Wyn's RNLI journey visit the website below...


Hoffem ddymuno hwyl fawr a phob lwc i’n Rheolwr Gweithrediadau Bad Achub yn ei rôl newydd gyda Bad Achub Pwllheli a chroeso mawr i Wyn Jones wrth iddo gymryd yr awenau yma yn Abersoch.

Ymunodd Andy ac Wyn fel criw gwirfoddol tua’r un adeg yn 1984, ac wedi iddo ymddeol o’r gwch, ailymunodd Wyn rhai blynyddoedd yn ddiweddarach fel Dirprwy Awdurdodi Lansio, ac felly â phrofiad helaeth wrth iddo ymgymryd ag awenau rheoli’r criw a’r orsaf.

Mae’r holl griw a’r gwirfoddolwyr yma ym Mad Achub Abersoch yn dymuno pob llwyddiant i’r ddau yn eu rolau newydd.

Er mwyn darllen mwy am siwrnai Bad Achub Andy ac Wyn, ewch i’r wefan isod








February 18 2022

Storm Eunice

From our weather page today...

"...the second named storm of the week, Storm Eunice, is bringing a severe gale today and could also result in a storm surge this morning, with the spring tide enhanced. Gusts could be around or even above 80mph for a time, which could cause some local disruption, hence the Met Office weather warnings which are in place at the moment. An Amber warning is in place for the Pen Llyn area, though note that there is a Red warning in South Wales - which is not that far away when storms like this have a bit of unpredictability about there track and intensity.

For the Amber warning - the Met Office says, "Storm Eunice may cause significant disruption due to extremely strong winds on Friday."








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